I’m Dr Alberto Sanna but haven’t always been.

about me

I was (in chronological order) and still am a son, brother, friend, husband, father and member of several communities of interest: performers, educators, musicologists.

I was born and raised in the beautiful Mediterranean island of Sardinia but studied also in Milan, Boston and Oxford, and lived in Liverpool and London. I usually speak Italian with my family but often English and Spanish with fellow musicians.

I’ve got three passions: learning, sharing and caring. That’s what I do most of the time, but I’m not an influencer – and I don’t want to be one – although I spend lots of time amongst people from different places and walks of life: I listen to them, talk to them, make music for and with them.

I’m glad you’ve ended up here. If you find something of value in the content of this website and would like to have a chat about it, do get in touch.

As a violinist and musical director, I perform (mostly) early music

As a musicologist, I study seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Italian music, with occasional forays into earlier and later eras

I am especially interested in the admittedly elusive relationship between musical performance and musical composition

Although most laymen would assume that the two fields of musical activity can hardly be separated, in practice musicologists deal with them as two distinct aspects of one and the same discipline.

This is remarkable, for the history of European music records numerous instances of composers active as performers too, as well as of performers composing pieces of music.

The Sanna Method of Music Education

Music-education programmes are of two types


In the former type, the aim of the programme is to create new performers, composers and scholars.


In the latter type, the aim of the programme is to expose children, adolescents and adults to a variety of musical genres and practices.